Organic Synthesis and Reactions

  1. A-level Chemistry topics
  2. Organic Chemistry
  3. Organic synthesis and reactions

Organic synthesis and reactions are essential concepts in the field of organic chemistry. Organic synthesis involves the combination of different organic molecules to form new compounds. Reactions, on the other hand, involve the breaking down of molecules into simpler compounds or the rearrangement of atoms in molecules to create new substances. This article will provide an overview of the fundamentals of organic synthesis and reactions and explore how they can be used to create useful products.

Organic synthesis involves careful planning and execution to ensure that the desired product is achieved. It requires knowledge of organic chemistry principles and the ability to manipulate the reactants in order to produce the desired outcome. Reactions, on the other hand, involve understanding how specific molecules interact with each other to produce a new substance or change an existing one. By understanding how organic synthesis and reactions work together, chemists can create complex molecules with desired properties. Organic synthesis and reactions involve the combination of two or more molecules to form a new molecule or the transformation of one molecule into another.

The most common types of reactions are addition, substitution, elimination, oxidation-reduction, rearrangement, and polymerization. Each reaction has its own mechanism, which can be explained using diagrams. We will now look at some examples of organic synthesis and reactions. The addition reaction is a type of reaction in which two molecules are joined together without changing the identity of either molecule. An example is the addition of a chlorine molecule to an alkyne molecule to produce an alkene molecule.

Substitution reactions involve the replacement of one atom or group of atoms by another atom or group. An example is the replacement of a chlorine atom in an alkyne molecule with a bromine atom. In elimination reactions, two atoms or groups of atoms are removed from a molecule simultaneously. An example is the removal of two hydrogen atoms from an alkane molecule to form an alkene molecule.

Oxidation-reduction reactions

involve the transfer of electrons between two molecules.

An example is the oxidation of an alcohol to an aldehyde.

Rearrangement reactions

involve the rearrangement of atoms or groups within a molecule to form a new structure. An example is the rearrangement of a cycloalkane molecule to form an alkene molecule. Finally, polymerization reactions involve the joining together of two or more molecules to form a larger chain or network.

An example is the polymerization of ethylene molecules to form polyethylene. Organic synthesis and reactions have a wide range of applications in chemical synthesis. For example, they can be used to produce drugs, pesticides, plastics, and other materials. They can also be used to create new compounds with desirable properties, such as improved solubility or increased stability.


Organic synthesis and reactions are used in chemical synthesis to create new molecules from existing ones, as well as to transform existing molecules into new forms. In this context, organic synthesis and reactions are used to produce products for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and industrial chemicals.

Additionally, organic synthesis and reactions can be used to produce compounds for research purposes. Organic synthesis and reactions are also used to develop new materials and compounds for industrial use. For example, they can be used to manufacture catalysts that increase the efficiency of a given chemical reaction, or to develop new polymers that can be used in a variety of applications. Additionally, organic synthesis and reactions can be used to create customized molecules with desired properties that can be used in various products. Organic synthesis and reactions are also used in the production of medicines, such as antibiotics and antiviral drugs. In this context, the reactions can be used to synthesize the active ingredients of these medicines.

Additionally, organic synthesis and reactions can be used to produce ingredients for food additives, cosmetics, and other consumer products. Finally, organic synthesis and reactions can be used to create new materials with desired properties. For example, they can be used to develop biodegradable plastics or new alloys with improved strength or corrosion resistance. These materials can then be used in a variety of industrial applications.


Organic synthesis and reactions involve a variety of different processes and mechanisms. To understand the types of reactions that take place, it is important to consider some examples.

Addition Reactions involve the addition of two or more atoms, ions, or molecules to a single molecule. An example of an addition reaction is the reaction between 1-chloropropane and sodium hydroxide to form propane-2-ol and sodium chloride: 1-chloropropane + NaOH → propane-2-ol + NaCl.

Substitution Reactions

involve the replacement of an atom, ion, or molecule in a molecule by another atom, ion, or molecule. An example of a substitution reaction is the reaction between methylbenzene and chlorine to form chloromethane and benzene: CH3C6H5 + Cl2 → CH3Cl + C6H6.

Elimination Reactions

involve the removal of one or more atoms, ions, or molecules from a single molecule. An example of an elimination reaction is the dehydration of ethanol to form ethylene: 2CH3CH2OH → CH2=CH2 + H2O.

Rearrangement Reactions

involve the rearrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules within a single molecule.

An example of a rearrangement reaction is the conversion of propanal to propanone through the formation of a carbocation intermediate: CH3CH2CHO → CH3COCH3.

Types of Reactions

Organic synthesis and reactions involve a variety of different types of chemical reactions, each with its own specific characteristics. The most common types of reactions used in organic synthesis and reactions are addition, substitution, elimination, oxidation-reduction, rearrangement, and polymerization.

Addition Reactions

Addition reactions involve the addition of a functional group to an existing molecule. This type of reaction is typically used to create larger molecules from smaller ones and is often used in the synthesis of polymers. Addition reactions typically involve the formation of a new covalent bond between two atoms.

Substitution Reactions

Substitution reactions are the opposite of addition reactions in that they involve the replacement of one functional group with another.

Substitution reactions typically involve the formation of a new covalent bond between two atoms, as well as the breaking of an existing covalent bond. This type of reaction can be used to convert one type of molecule into another.

Elimination Reactions

Elimination reactions involve the removal of a functional group from an existing molecule. This type of reaction is typically used to form smaller molecules from larger ones and is commonly used in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals. Elimination reactions can involve the formation of a new covalent bond between two atoms, as well as the breaking of an existing covalent bond.

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

Oxidation-reduction reactions are a type of redox reaction in which electrons are transferred from one atom to another.

This type of reaction is typically used to convert one type of molecule into another by either adding or removing electrons from the molecule. Oxidation-reduction reactions can also be used to convert an atom from a more stable to a less stable state.

Rearrangement Reactions

Rearrangement reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms or functional groups within a molecule. This type of reaction can be used to convert one type of molecule into another by changing the arrangement of its atoms or functional groups. Rearrangement reactions can also be used to convert a molecule from one state to another.

Polymerization Reactions

Polymerization reactions involve the combination of two or more molecules into a single larger molecule.

This type of reaction is typically used to create polymers from smaller molecules and is often used in the production of plastics. Polymerization reactions can involve the formation of a new covalent bond between two atoms, as well as the breaking of an existing covalent bond. Organic synthesis and reactions are an important part of organic chemistry, with the ability to produce new molecules from existing ones and to transform molecules from one form to another. They have a variety of applications in chemical synthesis, such as in the manufacture of drugs, pesticides, plastics, and other materials. By understanding the types of reactions involved, their mechanisms, and their uses in chemical synthesis, chemists can better manipulate these reactions for successful syntheses.

Shahid Lakha
Shahid Lakha

Shahid Lakha is a seasoned educational consultant with a rich history in the independent education sector and EdTech. With a solid background in Physics, Shahid has cultivated a career that spans tutoring, consulting, and entrepreneurship. As an Educational Consultant at Spires Online Tutoring since October 2016, he has been instrumental in fostering educational excellence in the online tutoring space. Shahid is also the founder and director of Specialist Science Tutors, a tutoring agency based in West London, where he has successfully managed various facets of the business, including marketing, web design, and client relationships. His dedication to education is further evidenced by his role as a self-employed tutor, where he has been teaching Maths, Physics, and Engineering to students up to university level since September 2011. Shahid holds a Master of Science in Photon Science from the University of Manchester and a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Bath.